alea. international journal of phenomenology and hermeneutics: Alea, vol. 5 / 2007: Hermeneutics

Alea, vol. 5 / 2007: Hermeneutics


This number of the magazine is entirely devoted to hermeneutics, more precisely, to reflect on the meaning, possibility and legitimacy of an understanding of philosophy as a hermeneutical activity.

Within Alea’s editing board we have been lately considering the convenience of opening a debate around the very idea of hermeneutics and its possible assimilation, even identification, with the philosophical activity as such. This issue is intimately linked to the problem concerning an understanding of nowadays’ philosophical task. It also raises the question of which should be the constitutive features of such a hermeneutical philosophy and the way its concrete procedure should be articulated.

We are be very pleased to announce the collaboration of:

Adriano Fabris,

Manuel Jiménez Redondo,

Arturo Leyte,

Jean-Luc Marion and

Felipe Martínez Marzoa

to pose these questions on Hermeneutics.

The Journal is edited by Documenta Universitaria Publishing House.
See the Table of Contents (pdf)
Here the Subscription-Formulary (pdf)
