alea. international journal of phenomenology and hermeneutics: guidelines for authors

guidelines for authors

The manuscripts should be submitted to the review's e-mail-adress:, in any text format (preferably Word documents compatible with Mac and Windows), using „Time New Roman“ 12 point font for the main text and 10 point font for the footnotes. Authors should use 1-1/2 spacing between lines. Articles will not exceed 10000 words and book reviews will not be longer than 2000 words. The articles must also include an abstract in the language they were written and in English (between 80 and 100 words). The only extraordinary typeface allowed in papers and reviews is the cursive or italics with underlying function or used to write the title of cited books. Authors should not use paragraph indentions. It will also not be permitted the use of symbols to separate paragraphs or sections. Chapters, sections, titles and subtitles should be differentiated using only arabic numerals (1, 2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.2.1,...). The manuscripts which need to include any symbol (greek characters or formulas, for instance) must be also sent to the Editors in PDF format. All the notes should be footnotes.

Bibliography and quotes

The list of cited texts appears at the end of the paper in alphabetical order. The following examples should make clear the system of bibliographic references and quotes used in the review:

1.- Bibliography:

1.1.- Books

One author:

Codina, Ll.: El Llibre digital. Una exploració sobre la informació electrònica i el futur de l’edició. Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya, Centre d’Investigació de la Comunicació, 1996. (Estudis i recerques, 13).

Last name, First name: Title of Book in cursive. Subtitle in cursive [if applicable]. Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication (Series, volume [if applicable]).

Two authors:

Pujol, J. M. y Solà, J.: Ortotipografia. Manual de l’autor, l’autoeditor i el dissenyador gràfic. Barcelona: Columna, 1995.

Last name of 1st author, First name of 1st author, and First name of 2nd author Last name of 2nd author. Title of Book in cursive. Subtitle in cursive. Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication.

More than two authors:

Delors, J. et al.: Educació. Hi ha un tresor amagat a dins. Barcelona: Centre UNESCO de Catalunya, 1996.
Last name of 1st author, First name, et al. Title of Book in cursive. . Subtitle in cursive. Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication.

No author or editor, but new edition:

Merriam-Webster's collegiate dictionary. Springfield MA: Merriam-Webster, 19934.
Title of Book in cursive. Subtitle in cursive. Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication (edition).

If many books of one author were cited, they should be ordered chronologically.

Corporative authors:

American Psychological Association: Publication manual of the APA. Washington: APA, 1998
Name of the Institution or Organisation: Title in italics. Subtitle. City of publication: publisher, year of publication. (Series or Collection title, volume).

1.2.- Chapter of a book:

Kisch, H.:“La Industria textil en Silesia y Renania. Un estudio comparativo de sus procesos de industrialización”, en Kriedte, P. et al. (ed.): Industrialización antes de la industrialización. Barcelona: Crítica, 1986, págs. 266-298.

Last name, First name. "Title of Essay/Chapter.", in Last name of editor(s), first name. (ed.): Title of the book in cursive. Subtitle in cursivehb. Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication, pages.

1.3.- Articles from academic journals:

Heery, M: “Organització de la biblioteca. Repàs d'estructures”, Item. Revista de biblioteconomia i documentació, núm. 23 (jul.-dic. 1998), págs. 8-15.

Last name, First name. "Title of the article. Subtitle", Name of the Review in cursive, volume X (year), pages.

1.4.- Articles from an online magazine, newspaper, or journal:

Bustelo Ruesta, C.: "La consultoría en organización de la información", El profesional de la Información, núm. 9 (2000), 6 págs. En línea. 12 de diciembre de 2000.

Last name of author, First name. "Title of Article." Title of Online Publication. Number (Date of publication), pages (or s.p. if not indicated) on line: . Date of access

Encyclopedia Articles

An encyclopedia article or entry with no author indicated:

“Neandertal, home de”, en Gran enciclopèdia catalana. Ed. 1988.

"Title of article/entry", Title of Encyclopedia in cursive. Edition. Year of publication.

An encyclopedia article with an author:

Trinkaus, E.: “Neandertal, hombre de”, en Enciclopedia McGraw-Hill de ciencia y tecnología. Ed. 1994.

Last name, First name: " Title of article/entry", Title of Encyclopedia in cursive. Edition. Year of publication.

1.6.- Websites

Modern Language Association. MLA Style. En línea. Internet. 20 de septiembre de 2000. Accessible en (Consulta 13-10-2000)
Author. Title.on line. Internet. Date of publication.
(date of access)

2. Quotations in footnotes:

2.1.- Books

One author:

Codina (1996), 59.

Last name (year of publication), page(s).

Two authors:
Pujol y Solà (1995), 112-114.

Last name and Last name (year), page(s).

More than two authors:
Delors et al.(1996), 64.
Last name et al. (year), page(s).

Corporative Author:
American Psychological Association (1998), 77-83.
Name of the Institution or Organisation (year of publication), page(s).

With no author:
Merriam-Webster's collegiate dictionary
(1993), 283.
in cursive (year), page(s).

Chapters of books, papers, etc., will be cited following the same criteria. The websites will be cited with Author and year.